Sunday, November 3, 2013

The New Table and Room

Remember the last post I did ( The Move). I talked about setting up a new train table at the new house. Well now that is complete! I waited for a few months and it finally got complete. My Dad and I worked on it for about a week. It all started when I set up a track on the floor I ran the train on it. Then I went to show my Dad and he said that I need to biuld a table for this or my trains and track would break. So about a few days later we were working on the table. I have posted pictures of my older train set and table. It was pretty big in my opinion. This one is much smaller but it is still fun. It is in a back room in my basement. It takes up most of the small room. I have buildings,cars,rocks,track,trees,snow and trains all put down on the table. I am looking to putting a road going through the town and stopping it in the country. I will post some pictures of it soon.

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